2 The Moods Channel - for an individual to be successful they must be able to follow the guidance that
they are being given from within. Our feelings work perfectly to direct us to our best experiences and
life. Joseph Campbell said "follow your bliss". The Moods Channel will connect you with the tools and
ways to get aligned with your own, perfect, "guidance system". (see work
of Jerry and Esther Hicks / Abraham)
3 Vision Excelerator - assisting people, businesses and organizations to develop their ideas, dreams
and visions is the focus of this resource. Some might call it an "incubator", we like the term hatchery,
but it is mostly about helping an individual discover their passion and then to clear their path to do
what they love and share the best they have to offer. Solomon Source Toolbox, Chapter 10 HCDC)
- other courses on a variety of topics click here - Experiential University - Solomon Source
4 Eye Am Sharing - is the place-holder for our "collaborative network". This will be where people will be
able to share and exchange what they feel compelled to. It will also be a place to develop our
communities of sharing, exchanging and collaborating to make our world and communities healthier
and happier. (Chapter 11 - Collaborative Network)
5 Experience Co-Evolution Group - implementing new ideas, systems and ways is not always easy.
The Experience Co-Evolution Group will act as a consultant and resource center to assist
communities to create more sustainable and successful strategies.
6 Rural Innovation Institute - we believe that there is going to be a shift from very large cities to a
growth in smaller, more rural type communities. However, the Rural Innovation Institute is providing
useful information to any community. It is about sustainability, environmental protection, innovation and
creative collaboration.
7 Global Innovative Solutions - is an online catalog of new, or existing products and services that
align with sustainable and innovative solutions and communities. Modeled after the Whole Earth
Catalog and Mother Earth News magazine, GIS is intended to bring a wide variety of products and
services to the world, but also facilitate creating a network, or collaborative cooperative.
The Vision Excelerator is the culmination of a process that has been underway for 26 years. - There is extensive documentation and online resources that have been created. However, here are some links that provide a more concise summary of various aspects of the VISION.
World Proclamation for Emancipation 2011
VISION: We ARE Re-Creating the World - a Resource Manual "tool-box" for Revitalization and Empowerment Through Grass-roots Strategies and Environmental AwarenessThe Decision - the statement that was the nexus for beginning gathering, organizing and writing all of the various components that are being realized. Most completely described in the Vision Book
Tourism is the great "connecting industry" and has been how Dr. Skadberg was lead to In-Visioning all of this.
Online Resources that are currently available in conjunction with the Vision Excelerator, sort of like pieces of a puzzle, are:
Reverence for Life University - our 1st step main portal.
Rural Innovation Institute - online "Virtual University" for sustainable development, practical information for tourism, agriculture, energy and new development.
Global Breath Consciousness Institute - was envisioned for Jamaica in 2007, this is one example of Revitalization and Empowerment - via the powerful foundational work of Desmond Green
Experience Co-Evolution Group - our expert consulting team that is available to assist regions, communities and governmental organizations to create and accomplish their Vision, specializing in sustainable tourism and economic development.
Global Innovative Solutions - our newest resource, creating an online catalog of quality, innovative products and services with the intent to build a global network for sharing, cooperation and collaboration. A hybrid of the Whole Earth Catalog, Mother Earth News and the emerging social networks.
Copyright © 2011-22 Solomon Source & Vision Excelerator